大班第一学期教学主题:Topic 5
已有 219 次阅读 字数(859) 2012/11/30 8:33:26
Topic 5
Shapes 图形
1.Listen, point and say
a heart心形 a triangle 三角形 a star五角星形
a rectangle长方行 a circle 圆形 an oval椭圆形
a square正方形 a diamond 菱形
2.Let’s sing
Circle, triangle, diamond, square
Circle, triangle, diamond, square,
Find two alike,
Find two alike, find two alike,
And make a pair,
Oval, rectangle,
Oval, rectangle,
Don’t leave them out,
Don’t leave them out,
Find two alike,
Find two alike, find two alike
Scream and shout!
3.Let’s practice
①What is a circle? ②The sun is a circle.
什么是圆形的? 太阳是圆形的。
③And what is a heart ④The cookie is a heart.
什么是心形的。 饼干是心形的。
4. Draw a shapes robot
His head is a circle.
His eyes are two squares.
His nose is a triangle.
His ears are triangles.
His body is a rectangle.
5. Let’s learn
I have two sweets in my bag.
A white triangle and a yellow aquare.
I have two sweets in my hand.
A white triangle and a yellow square.
I have two sweet in my mouth.
Mmm: Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!